The Buy/Sell Marketplace for B2B Distributors!


This site is for Canadian based B2B Wholesale Distribution

Please note:  we have disabled the courier shipping calculator as it was not functioning properly. 

To buy an item, complete check-out.  No purchase is necessary. 

You will be quoted shipping/freight within 2 business days and have an option as to

whether or not you wish to complete the purchase. An invoice will be sent to close out the sale.

NEW! Pallet and LTL Options

by Tom Fournier

As we have been conducting our beta tests and promoting the site, it has become apparent that both vendors and buyers wish to deal in quantities greater than courier shipments.

We are working on an freight/ltl integration but until such time as it is complete and fully tested, we are pleased to offer a manual workaround.

Vendors!  If you have pallets you wish to list, email us at:

Buyers!  Please check out the "Pallet Quantities & Heavy Items (Freight Quote Required)" section on our website for bulk items for sale!


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